Sunday, June 16, 2024

Islamic Rulings on raising children without Aqdu (Nikkah).

RULING ON RAISING CHILDREN WITHOUT NIKAAH Questioner: What is the ruling on the couples who have been raising children without having Nikaah between them? Dr Sharof:...


Islamic marital issues

Islamic Rulings on raising children without Aqdu (Nikkah).

RULING ON RAISING CHILDREN WITHOUT NIKAAH Questioner: What is the ruling on the couples who have been raising children without having Nikaah between them? Dr Sharof:...

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Islamic Rulings on raising children without Aqdu (Nikkah).

RULING ON RAISING CHILDREN WITHOUT NIKAAH Questioner: What is the ruling on the couples who have been raising children without having Nikaah between them? Dr Sharof:...

The beauty of Allah’s love: A reflection.

  If we are to talk about Allah's love we have to start by talking about the Love of Allah for His Creation. The Quran...

The merciful forgiver: Allah’s boundless compassion.

    Allah's forgiveness is absolute and complete. The Quran says, "Say: 'O my servants who have transgressed against their souls! Do not despair of...

The perfect creator: Allah’s incomparable Greatness.

   In Islamic thought, there are several qualities that are considered to be essential to Allah's perfection. These include: - His absolute Oneness- His absolute...

One God, No equals: The Islamic perspective on polytheism.

Polytheism in Islam means taking partner with Almighty in Allah in worship and any other religion activities. Polytheism is two polytheisms: greater and lesser. THE GREATER...


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