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HomeIslamic jurisprudence.Explaining what is forbidden to the people on janabah in Islam.

Explaining what is forbidden to the people on janabah in Islam.

What is forbidden to the people on janabah.

The following is forbidden to the janabah.

1 – Prayer.( Sallah)

2 – Tawaf: Evidence of this has advanced in the topic of what it must be ablution.
Read about ablution here:

3 – Touching the Qur’an and carrying it, and its prohibition is agreed upon between the imams, and one of the companions did not contradict this, and Dawood Ibn Hazm was for the side of the Qur’an touched the Qur’an and carried it and did not see them as anything wrong with them, and inference with what was stated in the two Sahihs that the Messenger of God, may God bless him and grant him peace, sent a book in it: (In the name of God, the Most Gracious, the Most Merciful … until he said (O People of the Book, come to a word between us and you that we only worship God, and do not share anything with it, and do not take each other as heads without God.

If you take over, say, testify that I am Muslims) . The Qur’an is like messages, books of interpretation, jurisprudence, etc., because these are not called a mockery and do not prove its sanctity.

4 – Reading the Qur’an: It is forbidden for the janabah to read something from the Qur’an with the audience.
For the hadith of Ali, may God be pleased with him: (The Messenger of God, may God bless him and grant him peace, was not withheld from the Qur’an something that is not impurity) Narrated by the Companions of the Sunnah, and it was authenticated by Al -Tirmidhi and others.

Al -Hafiz said in Al -Fath: Some of them weakened each other, and the truth is that it is like al -Hasan, it is suitable for the argument, and from him, may God be pleased with him, he said: I saw the Messenger of God, may God’s prayers and peace be upon him, performed ablution and then read something from the Qur’an and then said: .
No verse) Narrated by Ahmad and Abu Ali, and this is his word.

Al -Hitmi said: His men are documented. As for the first hadith, there is no evidence of the prohibition.
Because it is his goal that the Prophet, may God’s prayers and peace be upon him, left reading the state of impurity, and the like is not fit to adhere to hatred, so how can it be inferred from the prohibition?

Al -Bukhari, Al -Tabarani, Dawood and Ibn Hazm went to the permissibility of reading the part of the Quran.

Al -Bukhari said: Abraham said: There is nothing wrong with the menstruating woman who read the verse, and Ibn Abbas did not see the reading of the janabah, and the Prophet, may God’s prayers and peace be upon him, remembered God for all of them.

Al -Hafiz said, commenting on this, it was not valid for the compiler (meaning Al -Bukhari) is one of the hadiths mentioned in that: that is, in preventing the janabah and menstruating from reading, and if the total of what was stated in that is the argument by others, but most of them are interpreted.

Read on how to perform Ablution here:

5 – staying in the mosque: It is forbidden for the janabah to stay in the mosque, for the hadith of Aisha, may God be pleased with her, said: The Messenger of God, may God bless him and grant him peace, came, and faces tllhe homes of his companions are a raw in the mosque, and he said (They directed these houses from the mosque) Then the Messenger of God, may God’s prayers and peace be upon him, entered and did not make anything. Narrated by Abu Dawood, and on the authority of Umm Salamah, may God be pleased with her, she said: The Messenger of God, may God’s prayers and peace be upon him, entered the welfare of this mosque  and he called for the loudest voice: (The mosque is not dissolved in a menstruating woman or a janabah)

  Narrated by Ibn Majah and Al -Tabarani.
And the two hadiths indicate that there is no solution in the mosque and the abundance of menstruation and the janabah, but it is authorized to pass it on to the words of God Almighty: (O you who believe, do not approach the prayer while you are drunk until you know what you say, and there is no janabah except those who crossed until you bath) and on Jaber May God be pleased with him, he said: (One of us was passing through the mosque with a crossed and on janabah) Narrated by Ibn Abi Shaybah and Saeed bin Mansour in his Sunnah.
On the authority of Zaid bin Aslam, he said: The companions of the Messenger of God, may God bless him and grant him peace, were walking in the mosque while they were in janabah , narrated by Ibn al -Mundhir.

And on the authority of Yazid bin Habib: that men from the supporters were their doors to the mosque, and they were afflicted with impurity, so they did not find water, and there is no way to it
Except from the mosque, God Almighty (and no side was revealed except those who passed away) narrated by Ibn Jarir.

Al -Shawkani said after this: This is one of the indication of what is required in a place that does not remain after him, and on the authority of Aisha, may God be pleased with her, she said: The Messenger of God, may God’s prayers and peace be upon him, said to me: It was narrated by the group except Al -Bukhari, and on the authority of Maymouna, may God be pleased with her.

Read on how to perform Ghusl janabah here

What is forbidden to menstruating women and postpartum

Menstruating and postpartum shares with the janabah in all the foregoing, which is forbidden to the janabah, and that each of these three is called an updated event and is forbidden to menstruating women and postpartum – in addition to the above – things:

(1) Fasting: It is not permissible for menstruating women and the postpartum to fast, so if she is silent, she does not take place, and he will fall void, and she must spend what she missed from menstruation and postpartum days in the month of Ramadan, unlike what she missed from prayer, then she does not have to make it up for hardship, for prayer It is frequently repeated, unlike fasting, for the hadith of Abu Saeed Al -Khudri, who said: The Messenger of God, may God’s prayers and peace be upon him, went out in a sacrifice or breaking the chapel, so he passed over the women and said: (O women of women, you believe that you would be most of the people of Hell) so they said: Why, O Messenger of God? He said: (you are too much in cursing and disbelieve the partner. I have not seen the deficient minds and religion. I go to the firm man from one of you!) He said: (Is not the testimony of a woman like half of the testimony of a man?
On the authority of Mu’ah, she said: (I asked Aisha, may God be pleased with her, so I said: What is the mind of menstruating woman who does not spend fasting and does not spend the prayer?

He asked the companions of the Prophet, may God bless him and grant him peace

God Almighty (and they ask you about menstruation, say it is harm, so they retire from women in menstruation and do not bring them closer until they purify. And in the word (except intercourse) narrated by the congregation except Al -Bukhari ,, Al -Nawawi said: If a Muslim believes that a menstruating intercourse was dissolved in its vagina, he became an unbeliever, and if he did it, because he does not believe that or he has even forgotten or did it because of ignorant of sanctity or the presence of menstruation, then there is no sin on him or atonement, and if he did it intentional with menstruation and prohibition chosen, as he committed a great sin, he must repent of it.

In the obligation of atonement, two sayings: I am correct that there is no penance for it, then he said: The second type is to start it in the navel and under the knee, and this is permissible by unanimity, and the third type is to start it between the navel and the knee, other than kisses and the anus. Most scholars are forbidden.
Then Al -Nawawi chose the solution with hatred, because it is stronger in terms of evidence, and ended a summary.

And the evidence that he referred to is what was narrated from the wives of the Prophet, may God’s prayers and peace be upon him, that if the Prophet wanted something from menstruating thing, he threw something on her. Narrated by Abu Dawood. Al -Hafiz said: His chain of transmission is strong.

On the authority of Masroq bin Al -Ajda, he said: I asked Aisha: What is the man should ask from his wife if she is menstruating? She said: (Everything but Al -Faraj) Narrated by Al -Bukhari in its history.



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